Tonya Linen worked 31 years as a hairstylist. Early in 2018, she heard about the GC3 Employment Program. It crossed her mind that maybe she could change careers. It weighed on her mind and she kept hearing about the success stories from the program graduates getting jobs, working toward advanced certifications, and the personal support graduates receive. She met Tasha Smith, Helping Hands Career Coach, who gave her that motivation to take the next step. She took the plunge and completed the GC3 Employment Bootcamp in June of 2018.

“From the very beginning of the 4-day Bootcamp, I was motivated by the enthusiasm of the leaders. I learned the skills needed in an interview. I realized how my past interviews with employers were a disaster. I learned what employers looked for when interviewing a person. I was given the chance to practice those skills,” said Tonya Linen.

“The best part of the GC3 was Tasha Smith. She was assigned to be my career coach. She is always calling or texting me to check on me. She is always sharing encouraging words. Even today, it is like GC3 never ended. Tasha still stays in touch with me.”

“At a job fair soon after graduation at Goodwill, I landed a temporary job at Tidelands Health in their Cancer Center. I loved that job, but it came to an end after a year. Then I found myself without a job. Tasha gave me the motivation to get my real estate licenses. I have been to several interviews with Real Estate Companies in the area. I find it a tough decision in figuring out where I would best fit in. I have a 12-year old son that keeps me busy and I have enjoyed having the time to spend more time with him.”

Tasha Smith, GC3 Career Coach for Helping Hands, said, “Tonya is serious about making a difference in her life and setting goals. I have no doubt she will accomplish her goals. Tonya, the sky’s the limit for you!!!!”