“One-Stop Career Program”GC3 “

Georgetown County Career Connections (GC3) is  “one-stop career program” combines the resources of the community partners Helping Hands, A Father’s Place, Friendship Place and Palmetto Goodwill to give the unemployed and underemployed a “hands up” toward achieving independent, productive lives. This collaborative strives for success through a four-step process of recruitment, job preparation, job placement … Read more

YEP Students Honored for their Academic Achievement for First Nine Weeks

Congratulations to the following students for their success! The staff and the Board of Directors of Helping Hands are very proud of you. We look forward to hearing about your achievements in life. Andrews High School STUDENT GRADE Daveonia Graham 12th Jaylon Filmore 11th STUDENT GRADE Roddirce Gilliyard 12th Truth Gilliard 12th Jamiyah Jackson 12th … Read more

we Will be Closed
for the holidays

— NOV. 25TH TO NOV. 29TH —