This is Tranise Parker’s story, a tale of resilience and empowerment that unfolded during her time at Benedict College. As she approaches her graduation on May 3, 2024, she reflects on the journey that shaped her.
Once harboring the dream of becoming a Colgate dancer, Tranise faced a significant challenge when she had to step away from the dance team. This movement was a crossroad in her college experience, stirring deep emotions, but also igniting a drive to create change. It was this drive that led her to TNT Choreography, an initiative derived from adversity, dedicated to ensuring inclusivity in the dance community.
Her advice to incoming students is heartfelt: “Don’t let one bad experience tarnish your entire college experience. Instead, immerse yourself in activities, engage with the community, and prioritize your education.”
The Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) stood by Tranise’s side throughout these years, offering guidance and support whenever needed. The program’s mentors were always there, providing wisdom for life challenges. A memorable trip to the Everglades with YEP during her senior year of high school imparted lessons in patience, mindfulness, and peace, experiences for which Tranise is profoundly thankful.
As Tranise Parker stands on the cusp of her graduation, she carries with her not just a degree, but a wealth of experiences, lessons, and a deep sense of gratitude for her accomplishments and those who have been part of her journey.