The foundation of our dental clinic has been the generosity of Dentists in our area who volunteer. We presently have 25 dentists who volunteer on Thursday afternoons at least once a month. In this issue we are recognizing Dr. Nick Papadea and Dr. Lindsay Moore, both have been on our advisory board since our clinic opened in 2013.

“Although the work can be difficult at times, it is very rewarding. The need for dental services in this area is remarkable. Almost every patient I’ve treated at the clinic has had an abscessed tooth (dental infection). It’s amazing that they are able to function with this amount of pain and discomfort. There are valuable mission works focused on underdeveloped foreign countries; however, there are also plenty of people in our own community that need help. I’ve appreciated being able to give back to Georgetown County and look forward to serving more in the future.”
Dr. Nick Papadea, Volunteer Dentist since 2013. He owns Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
Pictured left to right are Dr. Papadea, Rae Jordan, Dr Papadea’s assistant, Charles Lyman,first year Temple Dental School , Dr. Tyler Perry, and his assistant, Corey Hughes.

“As a lifelong resident of Georgetown County, I think it is important to give back to the community which played a vital role in my upbringing. Volunteering at the Dental Clinic among other things is an easy way for me to give back.”
Dr. Lindsay Moore, Volunteer Dentist, has served on our Dental Advisory Board since 2013. She is the owner of Gentle Dentistry in Andrews and Georgetown